Office(419) 281-3716
24-Hour Crisis: (419) 289-6111
Crisis Text Line: Text 4HOPE to 741741
Hours: M, W, F 7a-5p; T & Th: 7a-8p

Providing Support to a Loved One Who is in an Abusive Relationship

Providing Support to a Loved One Who is in an Abusive Relationship

Are you worried a friend or family member may be involved in an unhealthy relationship? This process can be painful and frightening for a loved one to experience.


Many individuals who experience domestic violence feel alone and confused as a result of their abuse and manipulation. Survivors often feel they have nowhere to turn. They may think that no one will believe them, they may blame themselves for their abuse, and they may fear their abuser will hurt them, their children, their pets, or loved ones if they reveal the abuse to anyone outside their home.


We can all take steps to provide support. Each of us has the power to reach out to someone we love and tell them that abuse is not their fault, love shouldn’t hurt, and safety is possible. 


Join us on June 6th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM at 2233 Rocky Lane for a discussion on how you can support someone who is experiencing domestic violence.


We will be taking a more in-depth look at what an abusive relationship can look and feel like; learning some supportive tools and safety planning; and understanding how to take care of you as a family or loved one in this process.


Please click this link to register.

Class Registration

Tags: abuse, support
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